Hiking, fishing and hunting

Pilke Info will help you in matters related to Metsähallitus – also on weekends. Hiking destinations section contains information regarding hiking destinations near and far in Lapland. You can also buy maps of the hiking areas and national parks from Pilke Shop. From fishing and hunting services section you can find information about the different fishing and hunting licenses sold in Pilke Info.


You can get information about national parks in Finland, hiking destinations nearby Rovaniemi area and other hiking areas maintained by Metsähallitus from Pilke Info and the luontoon.fi website. From Pilke Shop you can buy maps of Lapland’s hiking areas and national parks.


Metsähallitus offers anglers access to thousands of water areas. Diverse fishing waters around Finland are lakes, ponds, rapids and streams, where the joys of nature are as important as the catch. Foreign citizens have the same fishing opportunities and obligations as Finns. You can pay the fishing permits from Pilke Info or Eräluvat.fi for state-owned waters.


Metsähallitus manages the natural resources responsibly and ensures that hunting is conducted according to good practices and on a sustainable basis. By selling hunting permits Metsähallitus aims to guarantee that everyone can experience hunting in state-owned areas and has equal access to them now and in the future. You can buy hunting licences from Eräluvat webstore and Pilke Info.

Off-road traffic

Off-road traffic always requires the premission of the landowner. The off-road traffic permit for state-owned lands in one’s municipality of residence is free of charge. You cand get the permits for state-owned lands from Pilke Info and Eraluvat.fi -website.